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November 1st 2023 - New Update Released

View, edit & report on UPCOMING monthly invoices (add parts in advance), change auto-invoice date, edit individual due dates + more

Adam Beech avatar
Written by Adam Beech
Updated over a week ago

Major Upgrades To Monthly Automatic Billing

  • Upcoming Invoices now exist for every property with an active route schedule
    This allows you to view and edit the invoices in advance instead of waiting for everything to be calculated and created all at once on the 1st of the month.

  • Upcoming Invoices will auto-update with the correct line items and quantities as Route Stops are completed in real time

    For example, if you charge "per visit" & "in arrears" and also charge extra for chemicals, the visit line item quantity will be automatically increased after each route stop is completed and the correct chemical line items, descriptions and quantities will be automatically added as well.

    example of an upcoming invoice showing which data gets automatically updated by Pool Brain when route stops are completed

  • Edit Upcoming Invoices on the fly or add other line items like small parts

    Add anything you want to the monthly Upcoming Invoice on demand

    Upcoming Invoice example in pool company software program

  • An "Upcoming" invoice bar now displays on customer/property level invoice sections
    View data at a glance or click to open the upcoming invoice

    upcoming monthly invoice bar

  • A new "Upcoming" category now exists in the Invoices section on Reports page
    This lets you view and report on upcoming invoice data in bulk, manage it and check it for accuracy before the customer is invoiced

    upcoming invoices box shown in pool service software company dashboard

  • Change the auto-invoice date to any date of the month
    You're no longer restricted to auto-creating invoices on the 1st. Select any date for any property and the invoice will be processed on that date based on your current settings.

    animation that shows user changing the invoice creation date to various other dates

  • "Charge for Chems" toggle can now be activated for "in advance" billing methods Bill service pricing up front and chems in arrears on the same invoice automatically

  • When a route schedule is activated, an Upcoming Invoice is auto-created based on your settings
    Note: An invoice will not be created if a service level and type are not selected for a body of water as has always been the case

  • When a route schedule is deactivated, the Upcoming Invoice status is changed to "Awaiting Payment" so you can process final payment however you prefer

    Confirmation window on creating invoice for pool service company

  • When a route schedule is auto-deactivated because an "Ends on" date was selected, Pool Brain will auto-create, auto-charge (if on) and auto-send (if on) the existing invoice.

  • Invoice & Route Schedule activity history now shows details about creating and processing Upcoming Invoices and changing invoice creation day

    Activity history bar showing action taken on route schedule by Pool Brain

Backwash visit counter auto-resets after filter is cleaned

  • When filter clean process is completed on any Job or Route Stop in app where backwash is also required, the backwash requirement will immediately be removed for that visit

  • When filter clean process is completed on any Job or Route Stop in app, the backwash requirement visit counter will be reset for that body of water in web dashboard


  • "Move" button is always visible in Unscheduled section so you don't have to scroll back up when selecting a Job or Route Stop farther down the list

    Unscheduled section showing pool service jobs selected and move button still visible at the top

  • Optimized various sections of the web dashboard so users can login to perform admin tasks from a mobile phone instead of a tablet. This work will be ongoing as we continue to mobile optimize the entire web dashboard over the next few months.

  • Added drag handles in tablet optimized scheduling section and made further mobile optimizations to scheduling section

Other Improvements

  • Changed click-through behavior in various locations so that clicking a customer name always takes you to the customer page and clicking a property address always takes you to the property page (which is sometimes the same as the customer page if it is marked as the primary address for that customer)

  • Changed all Excel reports with dollar amount values to be formatted as "number" instead of "text" so formulas can be used on the column for that data in Excel

  • In the account settings drop down menu, we changed the menu item "Billing" to "Subscription" to add clarity

  • You no longer need to click a "save" button when editing technician photos

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