We're excited to announce major improvements to how chemicals are dosed in the app and the control you have over chemical dose settings in the web dashboard!
This is possible due to a first of it's kind agreement with Orenda Technologies that allows Pool Brain to natively integrate their calculations not only for manual calculator purposes but also building custom intelligence into our existing automated workflows. This means the office has complete control over which chemical readings are required and when, which chems are auto-dosed and at what targets, which chemicals & readings are displayed and more. The technician simply completes the workflows as they already do but can now view current and predicted LSI, access the Orenda Calculator in app if desired and have even more chemicals auto-dosed than before. Auto-dosing amounts are now calculated using Orenda's industry famous formulas and methodology. We hope you enjoy the upgrades and welcome all feedback. :)
Orenda Calculator has been integrated in our app
Technicians now see current and predicted LSI on "Add Chemicals" screen in app
(Readings for pH, Alkalinity, CYA, either TDS or Salt, and Water Temp are required in order to display LSI values)Technicians can tap the Orenda calculator logo to open the in app calculator
(Swipe left/right to change desired values or select a different acid/chlorine to dose for. Tapping "CALCULATE" button will calculate and overwrite dosing amounts on previous screen)
Calcium, Salt (on bodies of water with working salt systems) and Sulfuric Acid can now be auto-dosed in addition to the other chems you could already auto-dose
Major improvements to chem settings on web dashboard
You can already set which chemical readings should be required and how often for any service level. This has not changed.
You can now set custom auto-dose targets for chemical readings
(IMPORTANT: You are always responsible for setting dose targets at safe levels for bathers / people, surfaces, equipment, etc.)You can prevent chemicals you won't ever use from displaying in the technician app
Choose which chlorine or acid chemical should be auto-dosed by default in technician app
Choose whether a chemical should be auto-dosed in technician app
(if you want a chemical to display as an option but not auto-dose)You can change the default unit of measurement and auto-dosing will still calculate properly for the new unit
(For example, instead of instructing the technician to add 160 pounds of salt, it would tell them to add 4 bags of salt)
Other Improvements
A "Frequency" column has been added to the Customer report that shows which frequency is set in the route schedule for a property
Zoom in/out when taking photos in app on both Android and iOS devices
"Robotic Vacuum" has been added as an option for the "Cleaning System" equipment type
Properties will now be removed from scheduling page UI in real time when a route schedule is deactivated
(This always happened in real time but the UI/visuals wouldn't update in real time if a user had the scheduling section open in a different tab. Now the UI will update immediately without needing to refresh the page)
You can now activate the "charge for chems" toggle for all billing settings including "in advance" billing