Route Schedules

Properties display on Scheduling page once a route schedule has been activated for them. Here's how to activate or cancel a route schedule.

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

If you want to schedule a property for ongoing maintenance/service, the first thing you need to do is activate the "Route Schedule" for that property. Once activated, the property will be available on the Scheduling page to be routed however you like.

How to activate a route schedule

  • Go to the customer or property page with the address you want to schedule
    If a customer has multiple properties, you'll need to click on the correct address in the locations tab on the customer page.

    You can also search for the property directly in the search bar at the top right of any page.

  • Click the "Route" icon near the top of the page to open the route schedule
    (A gray Route icon shows the route schedule is NOT active. A green icon shows the route schedule IS active.)

  • Click "Activate Route Schedule" toggle switch to activate the route schedule

  • Adjust settings as needed and close route schedule window
    (default of "once a week" is usually correct for most properties)

    • Once a week
      Property will appear every week on the route you assign to it in scheduling

    • Every other week
      Property will appear every other week on the route you assign it to in scheduling

    • Every (X) weeks
      You can set any number of weeks frequency that you want the property to appear on the route you assign it to in scheduling. For example, every 4 visits per week will cause the property to only be serviced once every 4 weeks.

    • Multiple visits per week
      Only use this if you service the property more than once per week. Click "Multiple visits per week" text and then select the days you service the property each week. This will create multiple instances of the property for you to schedule on any route you want for those days

      Close the Route Schedule window when done (everything will auto-save) and the "Route" icon will now be green colored to show the route schedule is activated.

How to deactivate or cancel a route schedule

  • If a customer cancels service for a property and you want to deactivate it immediately... open the Route Schedule as described above, turn the "Activate Route Schedule" toggle switch OFF and close the Route Schedule window. The property will no longer appear on the route or anywhere in scheduling section. If billing was activated, the customer will no longer be billed for that property.

  • If a customer cancels service for a property and you want to deactivate it after a certain date... open the route schedule and select the "Date" option under "Ends On:" setting. Choose a date you want the route schedule to be deactivated and Pool Brain will automatically deactivate it on that date.

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