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Technician Pay - Per visit (route stop) pay
Technician Pay - Per visit (route stop) pay

How to setup and track pay for every route stop a technician completes

Adam Beech avatar
Written by Adam Beech
Updated over a week ago

How to set technician pay by service level & type

NOTE: Types are created in the Service Levels section in settings and are unique to each service level. If you have not done this yet, you will need to do it first.

  • Navigate to Settings and scroll down to the "Technician Pay" section

  • Click a service level tab ("Basic" and "VIP" in the example below) to view whatever Types have been created for those service levels. Enter the appropriate amounts to pay the technician per visit for that service level and type combination.

    For example, if you entered 10.00 for Basic service level & Dive Pool type and you entered 8.00 for Basic service level and Play Pool type, then the technician assigned this role would receive $10.00 for every completed route stop visit on a body of water that had Basic service level & Dive Pool type selected. They would receive $8.00 for bodies of water with Basic Service level and Play Pool selected.

Pool Company Software - Technician Pay - Pool Brain

"No Access" Pay Option

You can also choose how much to pay a technician when they cannot access the property (locked out, dog in yard, etc). This setting is not specific to service level or type so the technician will always be paid the amount in the No Access field every time they can't access a property for any route stop. If you don't want to pay anything for No Access visits, leave it at zero. (this is common)

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