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September 7, 2020 - Update Released

New customization options, alerts section redesign, chem reading control, set schedules for filter clean / backwash / salt cell clean & more

Adam Beech avatar
Written by Adam Beech
Updated over a year ago

Checklist section shows full app workflow & gives more control

  • "When Arriving" and "When Leaving" sections allow you to require actions in the correct time and place in technician app.

For example, "Lock Gate" should be in the When Leaving section.

Pool Service Software - Pool Brain - Checklist item sections

  • Drag and drop items to any sequence or section you'd like

Pool service software - Pool Brain - drag and drop checklist items animation

  • Set custom schedules for each item so they only show in app every ( X ) number of visits. For example, you may only want technicians to check a Caretaker strainer cup every 4 visits and not have them worry about it otherwise.

Pool Brain - checklist item frequency selector

  • You can now make before or after pictures optional if you'd like

Pool Company Software - Pool Brain - before and after pics toggled to optional

  • You can now make PSI Gauge picture and/or PSI reading optional if you'd like

...but we recommend you don't ๐Ÿ˜‰ Consistent and accurate PSI readings allow Pool Brain to alert you to many issues you can't otherwise see

Pool Company Software - PSI reading set to optional

  • System items such as Backwash, Cleaned Filter and Cleaned Salt Cell now appear in checklist workflows in bold font. They are automatically shown or hidden based on equipment settings. For example, Backwash would not show for properties with cartridge filters.

Pool Brain - Backwash not shown when cartridge filter selected

Chemical Readings now have custom schedule options

  • Schedule a reading to only be required every ( X ) number of visits. For example, you may only want to have technicians check CYA level every 4 visits instead of every trip.

Pool Brain - Chemical readings custom schedule

  • Toggle a reading to be always required or always optional

Pool Brain - Chemical Readings - Required - Not Required

  • Control which readings are required, optional or scheduled based on service level

Chemical Readings for different service levels

Alert Management Has Been Redesigned

  • Simplified view shows more alerts per page

  • One click takes you to job where you have all the tools needed to verify and dismiss alerts

  • Alerts are now sorted by priority as well as time so the most important issues are always handled first

Pool Company Software - Alerts Sorted by Priority

  • Set custom priority levels for all alerts

Pool Company Software - Customize Priority Level Animation

  • Choose whether notes are required when dismissing alerts

require notes toggle switch

  • Admins can now dismiss all open alerts with a single button click in settings menu

Dismiss alerts in one click

  • Allow Pool Brain to automatically dismiss any open alerts after a certain number of days. If the setting was 30 days (which is the default), any alerts triggered on August 1st would be automatically dismissed on August 31st if they weren't already dismissed.

automatically dismiss alerts after X days

  • Alerts section loading speed has been optimized

Backwash, Cleaned Filter and Cleaned Salt Cell updates

  • Items now all have full process controls

Pool Company Software - Filter clean process settings

  • Set default process settings by service level (can be changed for each property as needed)

  • Set items to be required after a certain time period or # of visits

  • Log when the last time one of these activities was performed even if the technician didn't do it in the app

  • In the app, pool service technicians will see the last time each activity was completed and upcoming due dates

Issue Reports Customization

  • Added a new issue report called "Other Issue". Technicians can use this to report things to office that doesn't fall into an existing issue category

Other Issue Icon

  • You can now choose whether notes and/or pictures are required when reporting specific issues

pool company software - Issue Reports Customization

Other Improvements

  • When "PSI at Zero" alert is triggered, system will no longer also trigger a "PSI Trending Down" alert

  • When "No Access" is triggered by technician after job has already started, system will no longer also trigger a "Not Enough Time on Site" alert

  • In technician app, route map can now be accessed from menu as well as swiping left on home screen

  • Technician device and operating system will now be displayed to more easily track company provided devices and issues

pool company software - Technician phone type shown

  • The section that shows all managers and whether or not they are online/offline now shows all users (not just managers)

pool company software - User pictures or initials shown

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