Multi day map views have arrived
You can now select 1 day, 2 day or week views to work with when Scheduling jobs and routes.
Dragging and dropping easily between routes on different days is now possible
Viewing your entire week's worth of routes on a map is now possible
pro tip: an ultrawide monitor will allow you to view 5 days of routes + map without scrolling
More scheduling improvements
The date selector no longer changes width when cycling through different days/dates
The "quick add" button has been added to the top of Scheduling page so you can easily create jobs/quotes/invoices/customers without having to leave the section
When a property address that Google thinks is invalid is scheduled to a route, an indicator will now display on the route and the property with the issue will highlight in red. This makes it easier to detect and fix potential mapping issues due to invalid addresses.
Hiding/Unhiding routes has been improved to work better and also now more clearly indicates which routes are hidden.
Scheduling section when viewed on a mobile device has been fully optimized. Scheduling in the field from web dashboard on mobile is now a great experience that mirrors the desktop experience minus the multi day views.
You can now edit the color hex value on a route directly so it is easier to copy and paste to match route colors exactly.
New Quotes settings options
You can require office users to enter notes when changing a quote status (Approved, Denied, Open, Closed). Typically this would be where they would explain why they are changing the status and who authorized it, etc.
You can choose whether or not to be notified by email when a customer approves or denies a quote. You can choose which email to be notified at when either occurs and even add multiple email addresses for notification if you like.
You can set default notes to appear at the bottom of every quote created. You can still edit these notes on any individual quote at any time.
Other improvements
All exported excel reports are now emailed as a download link instead of downloaded immediately. This solves the issues of some very large reports timing out and also allows you to keep working while the report generates.
A "Time Report" has been added for technicians. You can run the report for any selected date range for pool service technicians at a company level or for a single tech. The report will show the amount of days the tech worked in the period, the total hours worked (calculated from time they started first job of day to time they ended last job of day) and the hours worked for each day/date.