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January 27, 2022 - Update Released

Create & manage quotes directly in app, add pictures to line items on web & app, company level invoice statuses, tax improvements and more

Adam Beech avatar
Written by Adam Beech
Updated over a week ago

Quotes can now be created and managed directly in the mobile app

  • Create a new quote by tapping new quick add icon on home screen

    pool service app - iPhone with create quote option open

  • Add line items, pictures and labels with a few taps

    iPhone showing what a created quote looks like

  • Easily send the quote to the customer right on the spot

  • A new section in the app called "My Quotes" has been added. In this section, technicians can view and edit any quote that has been assigned to them (quotes they create are automatically assigned to them)

  • Office staff can assign or un-assign technicians from any quote on web

    Animation showing how to assign a technician to a quote

Pictures and captions can be added to line items on quotes

  • Add and edit them on both web and mobile app

    pool company software - Screenshot showing how to add pictures and captions to quotes

  • Customers can view pics and captions in quotes they are sent

Control taxes for specific products, services and line items

  • Set whether you want to tax any products and services you create by default with the toggles in settings (the products toggle also controls whether chemicals automatically added to route stop invoices are taxed)

    Tax Rates section in settings showing new toggle switches

  • You can change the default tax setting for any individual product or service in the products & services section

    Edit Service window showing Charge Tax setting checkbox

  • You can now see and change the tax setting for every line item on a one time job, invoice or quote (both in app and on web)

    A quote showing line item tax checkbox options

Invoice status section now exists at company level

  • View all invoices by status company wide for any date range in Reports section

  • See which invoices still need to be sent to customers at a glance

    Invoice statuses section showing unsent invoices category

Other Improvements

  • Invoices and Quotes sent to customers now have a greatly improved look and feel. (mobile optimization improved as well)

  • The dollar amount displayed beneath the invoice categories of "awaiting payment" and "past due" now shows the sum of the balance due instead of the sum of the invoice totals

  • Default date ranges on job status, quote status and invoice status categories has been changed from 7 days to 30 days.

  • Fixed a rare bug involving route stops not showing the correct dates in some specific cases

  • Status markers on scheduling map now also update in real time without requiring a page refresh

  • Profit report no longer includes any data from one time job invoices. Only route stop invoices.

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