Technicians can send a text message to the customer from the app letting them know they're on the way to their property
An "On the way" option exists on any expanded Job or Route Stop in the technician app as shown here:
A message window opens in one tap, techs can select an ETA in one tap and edit the message further if they have permission
Customer instantly receives the text message at the number displayed above the "on the way" icon
Note: this is always the Primary Contact phone number for the customer account which you can change in web dashboardThe message is sent from a rotating pool of phone numbers
Note: Technician's # is never shared with customer and you can set a custom "reply to" number or message in settings
After the message is sent, a green checkbox icon will display to let the technician know this has been done
Note: the technician can send another message if they choose by tapping the "on the way" icon again.
"On the way" Text Message Settings
To access Settings - login to Pool Brain, click the drop down arrow in the top right corner and select "Settings" from the menu
Set the default text message your customer will see
Note: The message "Your technician will be arriving in about (X) minutes" will always display on top of whatever you enter in the "Message to customer" field and the amount of minutes shown will be determined by what the tech selects when sending the message
Choose what happens if customer replies to the text message
(send no reply message or receive the reply at a number you designate)
You can customize the "no reply" message if that is the setting you choose.
You can set a "reply to" phone number so that you can receive all replies at a central messaging system such as Podium, Zen Desk or many other text to customer platforms.
Set Technician Permissions
To access technician permissions - Login to Pool Brain, click "Technicians" from the left side menu, click "edit" next to any technician row.
A technician permission exists named "Can edit on the way text message"
If a technician has this permission activated, they can edit the default "on the way" message to say anything they want
If a technician doesn't have this permission activated, they can select the number of minutes for their ETA but they can't alter the message in any other way.
This gives you control over what your customer sees but still allows the tech to quickly choose their ETA.