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June 26, 2023 - Update Released

Major improvements to customer feedback visibility & reporting, see counter for when actions will be required, delete last cleaned dates...

Adam Beech avatar
Written by Adam Beech
Updated over a week ago

Feedback visibility and reporting improvements

  • Changed technician feedback score bar to a percentage ring for easier and more meaningful insight at a glance (percentage value is the % of total positive feedback received)

  • Added "Feedback" section to customer and property pages

  • Added "Feedback" section to company level reports page

  • You can now generate excel reports with feedback details for technician level and company level (all technicians in one report)

Visible backwash, filter clean and salt cell clean counter

  • Changed the frequency logic for "Require techs to clean filter/salt cell on a route stop" setting from every X "weeks" to every X "visits"

  • A counter now displays next to "required every X visits" setting for backwash, filter cleans and salt cell cleans. This makes it easy to see the next time the action will be required in the technician app during route stops.

  • Technician app now displays remaining number of "visits" until backwashing, filter cleaning or salt cell cleaning actions are required for a body of water. (note that it used to display a date but we've changed the logic from "weeks" to "visits", so it's been updated to match)

  • When a technician completes backwash, cleaned filter or cleaned salt cell in the app before it's required, the requirement counter will be reset to the current "require every X visits" setting. (as always, if a technician doesn't complete / overrides a required item, the counter will not reset)

Cleaning dates can now be deleted

  • Delete any cleaning date for backwashing, filter cleans and salt cell cleans with a click.

  • Hover over any deleted date to see which user deleted it and when

Filter clean / salt cell clean schedule activity logs

  • View all actions taken by any user when editing any setting on filter clean and salt cell clean schedules

Refund display / totaling changes

  • Refund notes are now created as negative numbers to offset the refunded payment (reflected in web dashboard lists and excel reports)

  • Refund notes now have a "type" displayed as "ref note" instead of the payment type it was refunded from

  • Grand totals are now calculating refund notes as negative numbers. Refunded payments are still being counted as positive values.

Reporting improvements

  • "Gate Code" column has been added to Customers section excel report

  • "Access Notes" column has been added to Customers section excel report

  • "Tax Rate" column has been added to Customers section excel report

  • "Notes" column has been added to Payments company level excel report

  • Technician Pay Report now includes "Title" and "Body of Water" details for one time jobs where commissions have been calculated

  • The name of each excel report file has been modified to include the company name (very useful for enterprise users pulling reports on multiple company branches they own)

Miscellaneous other improvements

  • System items such as backwash, filter clean and salt cell clean will now be immediately removed from the app workflow when a technician logs a piece of equipment on a job/route stop that qualifies for the automatic removal. For example, "Backwash" will be removed if a technician logs that a cartridge filter exists for that body of water. This happens immediately now instead of taking effect on the next job/route stop.

  • Logo quality / crop size has been significantly upgraded. You will need to upload your logo again in settings for this to take effect

  • Settings page has been optimized to load much faster. Sections on this page also now load independently from one another.

  • Actions by users to manually edit technician commission pay amounts now shows up in the activity log for one time jobs

  • Implemented better version controllers to prevent the need to clear cache / hard refresh after updates as often

  • When a job is in "CLOSED" status, users can now scroll up/down the products & services list to view them (you'll still have to re-open the job if you want to edit them)

  • "Unscheduled" map markers now hide immediately when clicking the eyeball icon without needing to refresh the page

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